Available Tests

Click on the product name for a full description of the proficiency or competency test.

DNA Database$145.00$190.00
Forensic Biology$145.00$190.00
Forensic DNA$145.00$190.00
Forensic Biology with Probabilistic Genotyping Software$195.00$240.00
Forensic DNA with Probabilistic Genotyping Software$195.00$240.00
Body Fluid Identification$170.00$235.00
Fingerprint Identification (Digital Only)$220.00$360.00
Fingerprint Identification (Printed & Digital)$295.00$390.00
Fingerprint Processing
Firearms Identification$155.00$185.00
Gunshot Residue (Distance Determination)
Tool Marks Identification
Footwear Identification
Controlled Substances$160.00$190.00
Bloodstain Pattern Analysis$240.00$310.00